My Soul Mission

Do you want a change in your life?

  • Do you sometimes feel that your soul and your body aren’t in one piece?
  • Do you feel ungrounded or not fully present in certain situations?
  • Do youfeelthat you should have more energy, power and vitality, but can’t get there?

 Most of us have beautiful souls and light bodies but are unable to bring it fully into our physical body. We live our life with our lights half on, unable to magnetize the health, wealth and well-being that is our birthright. Everybody should have that.The frequency of our soul and the frequency of our body are more often ,not together as one. We might experience resistance between the two, or outright conflict and disassociation. This happens because of life’s traumas, abuses, grief and disappointments. Our soul longs to be somewhere else and our body stumbles along without the full power and presence of our spirit.


Can you imagine how it will feel to have the frequency of your Soul and Body fully and permanently joined together as one, as they are meant to be?

Try a SoulBodyFusion appointment, to feel the difference.

You get 3 sessions, between the first and second one,there is a one week break,between the second and the third one there is a 2 weeks break.

Costs ( for all three appointments):  170$ ( 150,-Euro)

Also possible, over a long distance, on the telephone


In this workshop, we learn all about SoulBodyFusion, where it came from, how it works, and how you can use this magnific tool for your life.

We will do alot of practise, so that by the end of the workshop, you are able to help yourself and others.

Time: 10am to 5pm

Costs: 320 $  ( 300,-Euro)

This Workshop is offered in Germany and the USA )